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Premjit Amornchai

Premjit Amornchai

Podcast interview

MORU Biosafety Level 3 and melioidosis in Thailand

Melioidosis is endemic at least 45 countries, but greatly under-reported, with a microbiological culture required to confirm diagnosis. Premjit works with MORU researchers who have produced a rapid diagnostic test that aims to improve both diagnosis and public awareness of melioidosis.

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Premjit Amornchai

Laboratory manager


I am a BSL3 lab manager at MORU and my responsibility is to perform full scale management for BSL3 lab facilities, including finding work space and equipment, providing induction safety training, solving problems and finding out the solution to make our staff work safely and happy in the lab. My research interest is melioidosis and leptospirosis. 

Work with Burkholderia pseudomallei in BSL3 facility
Burkholderia pseudomallei colony on day4
Demonstration of Leptosira on LVW agar for visitor
Soil collection in rice field

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