Updated laboratories, facilities & operations
We currently employ 780 research physicians, scientists, technicians, nurses, field workers and support staff in 5 Units and conduct clinical research in approximately 50 study sites across Asia and Africa. Major personnel changes in 2018 include the appointment of a new COO, and the appointment of a new director of our Laos unit, LOMWRU, to replace the long-serving founding director.
The MORU Tropical Health Network continues to have a productive working relationship with the Mahidol Faculty of Tropical Medicine (FTM). At the Aug 2018 committee meeting all parties reaffirmed their commitment to the collaboration and to build on the successes of the last 39 years improving health across Asia.
An assessment of Health and Safety Management Profile (HASMAP) audit of the Programme recognized a positive culture to managing health and safety issues across the network.
In 2018 a new team was set up focused on translating MORU’s research into positive health improvements. The Institutional Translational Partnership Award (iTPA) is funded by Wellcome and also supports innovation in the Faculty of Tropical Medicine.
The healthy volunteer ward was upgraded and relocated to a more modern facility to support clinical trials.
As part of optimizing how MORU can best positively impact the health of LMIC communities through evolution of delivery models, an independent Thai foundation, The Borderland Health Foundation (BHF), was registered to house the delivery of medical assistance to humanitarian communities on the Thai-Myanmar border, but still retaining the strong link between direct assistance and research.